Convention Centers: Finding a Perfect Fit
Remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Once upon a time, a young girl wandered into Mama, Papa and Baby Bear’s home. She noticed three bowls of porridge. The first was too hot, the second too cold, but the third was just right and she ate it all. In the living room, one chair was too big, one was too small, but the third was just right. When she went upstairs to the bedroom to rest, the first bed was too hard, the second too soft, but the third was just right, and she fell into a deep sleep.
This fairy tale holds valuable lessons for planners. Some convention and conference centers may be too big, causing your group to feel lost in a cavernous space. Others may be too small, making your guests feel claustrophobic. But the right size center will be just perfect.
We have divided this guide into noteworthy venues that are small (under 500,000 sq. ft.), medium (500,000–1 million sq. ft.) and large (more than 1 million sq. ft.). Find the right fit for your needs and live happily ever after!