Juice Plus+ global headquarters is located in Collierville, Tennessee, a suburb of Memphis. Juice Plus+ headquarters for Europe and the Middle East is located in London, UK.
Founded in 1970 by Chairman Jay Martin, The Juice Plus+ Company has grown from a small, direct-sales company into a highly successful, privately held health and wellness company operating in more than 20 countries today.
Our turning point toward a health and wellness focus occurred in 1993 when we introduced Juice Plus+ Fruit and Vegetable Blend capsules. Even at that time, a growing body of scientific evidence was demonstrating that eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is essential to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Juice Plus+ responded to that need with a simple and convenient product to help people bridge the gap between what they should eat, and what they actually do eat, every day.
All Juice Plus+ products share a common nutritional philosophy that traces back to our beginnings in 1993 and helps us stand out from the tens of thousands of nutritional products on the market today: an emphasis on the whole food, plant-based nutrition that is so important in our diets