Residuals and Biosolids Managers continually face uncertainty and new challenges: maintaining positive public perception, regulatory changes, striving for utility sustainability, and the ever-increasing need for resiliency. The 2023 WEF Residuals and Biosolids conference will share new technologies, successful innovations, and current best practices to allow industry professionals to achieve long-term success designing and managing biosolids programs. You are invited to share creative approaches in biosolids and residuals management with focus on proving flexibility, increasing resiliency, technology advances, and new product marketing approaches. The conference will include oral presentations, interactive discussions, posters, pre-conference workshops, exhibits, technology spotlights, and opportunities for networking in dynamic settings. Potential speakers are invited to submit content for an abstract for podium presentations, interactive panel discussions, thematic sessions, and workshops.
This conference is jointly hosted by the Water Environment Federation and International Water Association, in cooperation with North Carolina One Water and the IWA USA National Committee.